Cues to Emotion

clear throat
wet lips with tongue
male: bobbling or jumping Adam’s apple
flushed skin
hot/tingling skin
lack of eye contact
animated eyes/expression
tears in eyes/crying/sobbing
tightening of the throat/inability to speak
quivering chin
dilated pupils
eaise/lift eyebrows to widen eyes
facial flush
laugh (can be silent)
hugging upper abdomen/lower chest sigh

bowed head
head tilted to one side
Lowered chin
down-turned eyes
no direct eye contact
slumped/hunched shoulders
shrug shoulders
turn body inward to make smaller
open palms
arms next to side
low voice

close proximity to object of affection (address or aim at, lean toward, intrude into personal space)
block intrusion by third person by laying arm across back of chair, crossing feet, standing in such a way as to block view of the rest of the room
man - leaning back with pelvis thrust forward, legs apart, hands hook in pockets with fingers pointing down to genitals = I'm available; I'm sexually dangerous 
women cross arms around men they don’t like and use open arm position around men they do like.  Crossed arms for a woman can also signal that she's closed in and wants to be let out. 
head tilted to one side
head/hair toss
shoulder shrug
stand up straighter, more alert
pull in stomach
skin blush or pale
change in body smell
draw attention to lips (i.e. wet with tongue, pout)
 touch own body
stroke or push hair away from face
adjust clothing
hand on hip to expose wrist and/or palm
increased heart rate
nose rub
playful bite
 tongue touches lip
bat eyelids
flirting glance
narrowed eyes
deliberate eye contact/holding gaze
eyes roam over other person's face, linger on throat, breasts/chest, body in deliberate signal of interest 
dilated pupils
caress with fingertips or lips
hold hands
stroke other person's palm with thumb
 lingering touch
extend or reach out with arms/hands
 man - place open hand at the small of woman's back while walking = you're mine/I'm in command
female: sway hips when walking\male: saunter
thigh contact
facial flush
gaze down coyly 
husky voice
throaty voice
flattering comments

gazing down/lack of eye contact
sweaty palms/head/neck/armpits
raising upward on/lifting toes
scratching/rubbing/pinching/holding parts of body
dilated pupils
rapid eye blink
pretending excitement to convince
lips pressed together
darting tongue
clear throat
false smile
reticence/withdrawal from contact
shoulder shrug
touching forehead/jaw with hand
facial flushing, especially around eyes
deliberate control of body energy = fewer movements, stiffness of demeanor
wheedling tone of voice

tears standing in eyes/crying/sobbing
narrowed eyes
closed eyes
tightening of the throat
inability to speak
repeated swallowing
quivering chin
compressed/down-turned mouth or lips
chew lip
flared nostrils
wrinkled nose/ brow
forward bowing of body, turning in on oneself
arms folded across lower chest/upper abdomen
clenched fist
stiffness of body
hand over heart
slumped posture/drooping shoulders
gazing downward
wavering voice
toneless voice

brows arched upward
open mouth
parted lips
wide eyes
fixated stare
rapid eye blink
startle reflex
sudden intake of breath
drawing back of body
head jerked/thrown back

Note about crying: women cry 5X more than men and their tears are more copious. Crying spell lasts only 1-2 minutes. Tears seem to relieve stress so, after a crying jag, there is relief.

Note about Eye Movement: Glance to the right = looking into the future and searching for words. Glance to the left = searching the past to make sure words are correct.

tense jaw/mouth
compressed mouth/lips
biting bottom lip
guttural throat sounds
loud speech/yell/scream
jutted chin
clenched jaw
wrinkled nose
flared nostrils
widened eyes
protruding eyeballs
dilated pupils
hands on hips/away from body
body displayed broadside
squared shoulders
shrug shoulders
body held erect/stand tall
head jerks
 tick in cheek/eye/corner of mouth
head brought forward
clenched fists
drumming/tapping fingers
palms down, beating gesture/flailing hands/arms
red face/neck/ears
hitting something with fists
stiff walking

clear throat
jaw drop/open mouth
dry mouth
wet lips with tongue/touch lips with finger
catch in throat
raspy voice unable to speak
male – bobbing/jumping Adam’s apple
perspire (palms/face/neck/armpits) = cold sweat
pale skin
lean/angle away from what’s making person anxious
make oneself smaller to reduce exposure to danger
tense lips, neck, shoulder muscles
arms folded across lower chest/upper abdomen
neutral facial expression = do not approach
no eye contact
rapid eye blink
protruding eyeballs
wide eyes
 tick in cheek/eye/corner of mouth
dilated pupils
flared nostrils
increased breathing rate/rapid heartbeat
tremble, especially lips
chattering of teeth
hair bristling
clenched fists
 drumming/tapping fingers
palms down, beating gesture/flailing hands/arms
scratching/rubbing/pinching/holding parts of body

rearing back
mocking bow of head or upper torso
lift chin
look down nose
jut chin
lift one eyebrow
tilt head back
narrowed eyes
compressed lips/mouth
lip raised/curled in sneer
hands on hips
look down one’s nose
flared nostrils
loud voice

square shoulders
full body display
stand erect/tall
hands on hips
swagger when walking

slack jaw
pursed lips
wet lips with tongue/touch lips with finger
tongue clenched between lips
suck thumb
mouth turned downward
clenched jaw
clear throat
lowered eyelids
elbow raised with hand behind head
scratch head
tug on ear
tap cheek with finger
rub back of neck with one hand
Wrinkled nose
scratching/rubbing/pinching/holding parts of body
hug waist with arms
shrug shoulders
raspy/thready voice

head cocked to one side
wrinkled nose/brow
pursed lips
raised brow
wide eyes
finger touch to cheek/jaw

slumped/hunched shoulders
vacant expression
toneless voice

distance from object
turn or face away/shift body away
turning one’s back
lean back
fold arms across upper chest/lower abdomen
cut off hand gesture
roll eyes
narrowed eyes
no eye contact
wrinkled nose
flared nostrils
backward head jerks
head shake
protrusion of tongue
guttural throat sounds
pursed lips
thin lips
tongue pressed between lips
clenched jaw

arch eyebrow
narrowed eyes
compressed lips/Down-turned mouth
head shake
clenched jaw
shoulder shrug